DoubleGate Swim & Tennis

Join Us

Thank you for your interest in DoubleGate's Swim and Tennis Club! The membership year goes from May 1 to April 30th. Please see below for membership options including pricing. 
Our current dues and fees are the following:
Initiation FEE: $1500
Yearly Dues: $875
Defined as local residents that do not live in DoubleGate. Those that wish to join DoubleGate Swim and Tennis club will have access to the pool, tennis courts and grounds.  It's on an application basis and is approved individually; the yearly dues are $1090 (no initiation fee). 
"C Members" 
Local residents that do not live in DoubleGate that play on a DoubleGate Tennis Team are considered C members. Each tennis player pays $45 per Alta or USTA season.  
FOR QUESTIONS AND BEFORE REGISTERING (A & B MEMBERS), PLEASE EMAIL MEMBERSHIP@DOUBLEGATEST.COM FOR YOUR ACCESS CODE. When you receive your access code, click on the "Join Us" button below. C members do not need a code and can click Join Us to continue.
Join Us!